Welcome to the Loving Leos Reptile Rescue home site! Here you'll find information on reptile rescue work, current animals undergoing rehabilitation and care guides (coming soon!).
You will also be able to keep track of which of our scaly friends are ready for new homes. If you're interested in bringing in a new addition to the family, you can fill out an application here!
Please check out the FAQ page for more common questions, or head to the Contact page to get in touch!
Loving Leos Reptile Rescue was started in late 2022 by reptile enthusiast and hobbyist Ansley McDaniel. The idea for a rescue came about due to the lack of rescue and rehabilitation services for exotic animals in and around Franklin, Kentucky.
The name "Loving Leos" is a reference to leopard geckos, who are often referred to as "leos". Leopard geckos are also one of the most common animals seen at LLRR, but they are not the only species that can be worked with.
LLRR provides a temporary home for reptiles needing medical care and rehabilitation. Veterinary wellness exams and ongoing care is provided until the animals are given a clean bill of health. In rare cases, an animal with severe or chronic problems will remain with LLRR indefinitely.
Ansley has experience working with reptiles who have metabolic bone disease (MBD), parasites, infections, severe malnutrition and reproductive issues. Unfortunately, LLRR is incapable of taking in animals who have contagious, terminal illnesses, due to the risk of spreading such infections to other recovering intakes.
Rehabilitating a reptile can take quite a while depending on the severity of their condition. Animals will only be listed for adoption once they're deemed healthy. In some instances, an animal may have a lifelong condition or disability but will not be barred from adoption. For these reptiles, a clear disclaimer of their health status will be posted next to their listing.
LLRR will always be as transparent as possible on the wellbeing of rehabilitated reptiles. This is important not only for the integrity of Loving Leos Reptile Rescue, but for the ongoing care of the animals you may be interested in adopting.